Email Marketing Stats 2023

Armed with these statistics, you're now equipped to level up your email game. Embrace the power of data, make informed decisions, and watch your engagement and conversions reach new heights.



7/31/20232 min read

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assorted-color abstract painting

Greetings, my fellow data enthusiasts!
I've got some insightful stats that will boost your email game.

Brace yourselves for a journey into the realm of numbers.

Subject lines matter (of course!)

33% of email recipients make the decision to open an email solely based on the subject line, while 69% of individuals label an email as spam purely because of its subject line!

Subject lines with 6 to 10 words deliver the highest open rate, making 8 words an ideal number for a subject line.

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subject lines stats
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comparing stats
The clash of the titans: mobile versus desktop.

Today, 60% of all emails are now opened and consumed on mobile devices. Meanwhile, a mere 20% of email campaigns have optimized their content for the mobile experience.

90% of recipients will swiftly delete your email if it's not mobile-friendly.

Timing is the secret ingredient

23% of email opens occur within the first hour after delivery. That's right, the clock starts ticking the moment you hit send.

But alas, after a mere 24 hours, the chance of your email being opened dwindles to less than 1%.

Further research shows that subscribers are most likely to read your email at 10 am, right after they've settled into work mode, and 1 pm, when they're fueling up on their midday sustenance while catching up on their digital correspondence.

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sender names value
Power of sender names

Research found that 45% of subscribers are inclined to read your email purely based on the sender's name.

Personalized sender names outshine generic email addresses or company names by a whopping 35% increase in open rates!

Armed with these statistics, you're now equipped to level up your email game.

Embrace the power of data, make informed decisions, and watch your engagement and conversions reach new heights.




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