typical email template
typical email template

Ignite Your Email Engagement:

SUBJECT: No Need for Your Own Marketing Failures; I’ve Paved the Way

Hello {first_name},

You're now in a place where I relay marketing know-how, my experiences, experiments, and support companies in employing the finest email and CRM marketing practices.

Scroll down and see your marketing as a well-oiled machine, becoming an essential tool for building enduring customer connections!

Best regards



welcome email picture
welcome email picture

Who I Am?

Hey, I'm Ross and I've been in marketing for over 5 years. My main areas of expertise include direct marketing, B2B, content marketing, email marketing, and CRO.

I've always strived to automate my workflow and allocate more time for experiments. I don't believe in growth hacking; instead, I believe in gradually achieving planned targets.

And I want to continue doing what I love. In my free time, I watch anime, ride my bike, play games, and read a lot of books.


  • For over 5 years, I have been working in the Business-to-Business (B2B) model, from strategy development to implementation.

  • I rely on best practices in Account-Based Marketing (ABM), lead generation, prospect analysis, and building effective sales funnels.

  • The average value of a signed contract currently stands at $180,000.

Email Marketing
  • Creating cold email campaigns for B2B, transactional emails, or promotional emails for B2C.

  • Newsletters and more.

  • Analyzing and conducting hundreds of A/B tests. Technical configurations: SPF, MX, DKIM, DMARC.

  • GDPR/CCPA consulting.

Content Marketing
  • Creating high-quality content, templates, and unique offers based on thorough audience research.

  • Collaborating in teams and developing effective content plans.

  • Built and maintained communities with over 120,000 members.

  • Participated in promoting and establishing niche communities with complex technical topics.

Conversion Optimization
  • Certified CRO specialist.

  • Analyzing websites, content, and funnels.

  • Testing forms and improving metrics through a series of small changes.

  • Conducting heuristic analysis, user research, surveys, etc.

  • Collaborating with vendors in audience research.

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Email Marketing Stats 2023

Armed with these statistics, you're now equipped to level up your email game. Embrace the power of data, make informed decisions, and watch your engagement and conversions reach new heights.

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